Deer Creek / Klipsch Music Center

The VIP Experience @ DEER CREEK AKA Klipsch has you enjoying food, beverages & side stage music...the cool thing about Rok Hollywood though? That's Scott's friend Duane Connaughton on bass!

On this particular trip to Noblesville, my friend Val joined me & together we enjoyed the entertainment and food, relaxing under our table umbrella until the big show got started.

This really is the BEST way to take in a concert. Instead of fighting the crowds, you're relaxing...and enjoying some adult beverages... :)

Tesla was just as good, if not better, than the last time I saw them. Tone, sound...this band is classic. And the intro to Love Song?? The only one that plays it better than Scott, is Tesla.

I need to take a moment to mention this little gadget, however. Paging wait service...another perk of VIP Box Seats! Press a button and she's there & you settle up at the end of the show. Except to use the bathroom, you never need to leave your seats. FANTASTIC!! (I canNOT get this paragraph to format right. Grr!)
As for the remainder of the show...Poison and Def Leppard were at the top of their games (and yet I failed in the photography department as all of my pics were blurry). If I closed my eyes though, I was transported back to my high school years!..and days later, I'm still replaying the songs in my head!

Cheers everyone! And thank you Val for sharing this awesome night with me!!