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RV Tip #3 - There's No Time To Stop!!

“Been there, Done that!” Right? How many times have you been travelling down the road in your RV and just did NOT have the time to stop?? Well, let me tell’ll happen again! Here are some tips to prepare you:

1. DRINKS. If your RV doesn’t have at least two drink holders for the driver, make it happen. Scott always has a water and a Coke...or if he’s super tired, Mountain Dew, however that second holder also serves as a great catch-all. You want the driver’s eyes ON the road, not messing with whatever at the console. The added storage space, whether for the second beverage or for spare change for those blasted New York Toll Booths, is a must!

And speaking of drinks, have plenty of choices. Driving long hours can be mix it up with water/flavored water, juices and sodas. And of course...IF you imbibe...have those adult beverages cold and at the ready for as soon as you stop for the night!

Coffee and teas are a must for me, and Scott also highly recommends having an energy drink or 5-Hour Energy bottle on hand for those super heavy-lidded days. If it’s not your thing, no worries. If it is...just stock up on a few, so you have them on hand when needed. OH...and don't forget the ice!

2. ENTERTAINMENT. Always consider the driver first! Scott LOVES books on CD. Me?, not so much, but if they make HIM happy while HE drives, I’m good with it. If they aren’t your thing though, have on hand those going-out-of date CDs or be sure to download the Pandora App! Scott and I are Amazon Prime members, but we have yet to try out their free music service. If you have an opinion on that, LET US HEAR FROM YOU!!

I highly recommend bringing whatever craft that you enjoy doing along for the ride! I cross-stitch, crochet & knit and always bring all three of them along (I just never know which one I'll feel like doing). I often have projects going, but it’s also fun to pick out something new for your next road trip.

Newspapers and magazines are great too. I often read articles to Scott, if I think he would be interested in them...and it’s a nice, albeit brief distraction during those mundane hours. Plus there’s the crossword I love & that Scott hates :)

Nail kits & polish are even a great idea to while away the hours (if hubby doesn’t mind the polish smell). Maybe you don’t get to the painting until you find your overnight spot, but it’s quite easy to at least give yourself a manicure.

Books. You should always have a good book on board, however I almost never read them while we’re going down the road. I just try to always be available to keep Scott awake and happy. I think a book is just too much of a distraction...unless of course it’s one of the books that I WROTE!

You should SO check out Prey For Reign: The Arrival of One (available on Amazon) to get you started!! I DID read those to Scott while on the road for the years and years of hockey that Tommy played & Scott coached. Reading out loud was a GREAT way to edit!!

Then you should follow that up with:

PFR: The Wrath of Sugin &

PFR: Kingdom Come

What a convenient way to pitch my books, eh?? :)

3. FOOD. Foods should be easy to handle with one hand! Geez, it sounds like this whole third segment is about making sure Scott is super happy...but really, it’s not always the guy that drives (unlike in our situation...thanks babe!)...but the DRIVER should be considered above everyone else in the RV. Here’s some basics to always have on hand:

  • Pita Bread. It’s the easiest way to eat a sandwich on the road!

  • Campbell's Soup on the Go. These cost more, but are worth it for the convenience (and can be washed out and reused).

  • Nuts/Chips/Granola. All easy to reach in and grab without having to take your eyes off the road.

  • Grapes/Pre-cut Fruit. Same easy & convenient food.

  • Gum & Suckers. Have lots of flavors...Scott loves sugar :)

  • A surprise. It sounds corny, but I always try to bring something Scott doesn’t know we have. It could be a candy bar, it could be his father’s deer jerky. The last time we went to NY I bought him a bottle of bourbon from Huber Farm (not that he could have that while driving, but you get the point). A surprise lightens the air for a bit, and gives you something else to talk about. Fifteen hours to Upstate NY requires being creative!

4. MEDS. Have them on hand. Sounds like a "duh" thing to mention, but if you stuck them somewhere in the back in the bathroom or the suitcase of’ll be tripping all over yourself trying to find them while going down the interstate! Better to keep them in a central location...all of them. And include antacids, ibuprofen/aspirin & even Band-aids...ya never know! Oh, and toss in muscle cream...sitting in the same position for hours can literally be a pain in the neck!

5. CHANGE. As previously mentioned, NY State Tolls suck! And yes, there are other fine places in this country that charge tolls as well, but we’ve just experienced NY’s nuisances more than others. Alas, keep a handy amount of change on hand. YES, some places let you use a debit/credit card...but most don’t. So like with everything else, it's good to be prepared!

And until next travels!

Scott & Natalie

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