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Sugar Valley Canoe Trips

The only thing more fun than traveling down the road in the RV, is spending time with the Blais clan. Our latest adventure had us kayaking down Sugar Creek in Turkey Run State Park, Marshall, Indiana (a 2-hour ride from home. Thanks to Chris & Amanda for doing the driving & planning...for once, Scott got to ride along and I didn't have to make arrangements).

Following a brief bus ride on a VERY retro bus, in which Scott pointed out "these used to be MUCH larger seats," our 4-hour float included wonderful nature views & ended with the historic Jackson Covered Bridge...oh and alcohol is ALLOWED, so we all had small coolers with adult beverages stowed on board!! :)

Just so you know, our 4-hour float should have taken 2 hours (according to their website), however, we just took our time and enjoyed the trip. The water level at the creek was also very low, so we did have to use some muscle to push us along sometimes...or get out, walk and drag the kayak to the water. Neither was a problem.

Scott DID however, have a missing seal cap in his kayak and had to drain the water often (which you can see him doing in this photo)...and this did score us a refund.

At $17, the trip was SO worth it, despite the inconvenience. And isn't he just adorable?

All in all, the trip was WELL worth is time with family, so always do what you can to make that happen. We've decided to make this trip an overnight one next year. They have an actual overnight kayak or canoe trip, but they also have camping options at Turkey Run State Campground...which means we'll be bringing the Swinger and Gracie & Raf (who by the way, could have come along on the float down the creek).

If you have interest in the park or company, check them out: /

Until next time...cheers!

Scott & Natalie

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