Cardinal Central Campground, OH
We left Bloomington behind today at noon. Provisions taken care of...Scott backed us out of the compound driveway early, for once! Trail Blaising Adventures is now HAPPILY on yet another round-trip journey to northern NY. Not gonna lie...we LOVE going home :) Not that our home in Bloomington isn’t our home, but upstate NY is our home-SWEET-home. Anyone who lives away from where they grew up must surely understands this…
SO, right now we’re at Cardinal Central Campground just north of Columbus, OH. We HIGHLY recommend this place. We really would like to get further down the road on our first night north, but this place is wonderful...and there’s nothing better between here and Pennsylvania. SO, we stop early, check on things, make a really nice dinner (ribeyes tonight) and take Raf and Gracie for a long walk. It’s a good day...and the first of at least fourteen on this adventure. Here you can see Scott enjoying a nice long back stretch while the dogs do their thing... ;) Didn't know he was just gonna lay down like that...but I looked back and saw him and just had to take a picture...that's Scott for ya...
Along this route on I-70 & I-71 there really is nothing to complain about except the construction in Ohio. The roads tend to ROCK US as we’re travelling thru the endless orange cones...but fortunately Lady Luck had the major issues on the southern route, rather than the northern this time...we'll take what we can get!
SO, we’re safe and sound and tucked in at the campground. Looking forward to seeing our Syracuse family tomorrow before settling in at my brother’s driveway. I’m NOT SO CERTAIN Philip expects us...I should probably call ahead...but really, what fun would THAT be???
Until next travels!!
Scott & Natalie