RV Tip #4 - On The Road
The fourth segment in our series comes directly from on the road! I would have thought that we wouldn’t have enough new stuff to share, since we’ve done this thing a time or two...but Scott & I actually came up with a few suggestions this time around...so here ya go...while we’re in O-hi-o... :)
RV road apps.. There are plenty out there, but I never knew how important they would be until this last trip. We had two occasions where we ended up on roads that the Swinger should NOT have been on. Thankfully, Scott is an amazing driver. That is SO not to bump his ego, he literally has taken the Swinger into the most precarious places, and because of him, we have come out unscathed. For THAT, I am extremely thankful. But RV road apps? These suckers can prevent you from ever being on those roads in the first place. Add to that places to park for the night, restaurants that offer long-vehicle parking...they are most definitely worth checking out...especially the free ones.
To show a couple of examples…
We were unexpectedly faced with an overhead pass on our way to a family wedding in Renssellaerville, NY (congrats Jamie & Shannon). Thank God we saw the sign before we lost our overhead A/C! We were lucky to find a nearby driveway to turn around in and with google maps, I was able to find us an alternate route. We were thankfully able to make the wedding with just under an hour to spare. Whew!
Next, we found ourselves on a mountainside heading toward my angel, my goddaughter Jayde, near Mahopac, NY, and again in Grantsville, MD (thank you Auntie Gloria & Ed for letting us crash at your place)...and we should NOT have been on either!! If we had had downloaded an app to tell us to avoid these roads in the first place, we would have been SO much better off. Check out the numerous options and download the free ones, or even one of the purchase ones from your app store (if you're not a cheapo like me). Either way, they will help you make the right decisions, to avoid those potential disasters, while you’re on the road.
And on those mountains? We were on some serious grades. Know your second/low gear...you will need it...and be prepared to use it.
I cannot even tell you how nervous I was at times! If you find yourself unfortunately facing nothing but rock walls (ha Tam!), trees and endless hillsides...wear your seat belt, guide your driver, and HANG ON!!
Helping your driver. Okay , isn't he cute?????
Seriously though, Google Maps plays a 99% role in our travelling. It works to create the best road experience regardless of the route you're taking, gives options for upcoming possible restaurants, indicates road delays due to accidents and work crews, etc. You should totally be taking advantage of it.
When we are on crazy-twisty roads, Scott has me call out the way they bend to prepare him along the way. Google Maps helps me to know what to expect & what to relay to him, since he can’t be looking at his phone and driving. It makes for a much smoother ride for us passengers...even Gracie and Raf will tell you. Trust us!
It also shows you yellow and red zones. We TOTALLY missed a major traffic accident near the Cumberland Gap, WV, and were able to travel around it, just by avoiding the ANNOUNCED traffic issues on my phone. Don’t be too distracted by doing ‘other’ things while the hubby is driving! Keep a keen eye out for obstacles and inform your driver what’s up ahead...good or bad :)
OH! And if you ever find yourself about to enter into an internet-free zone, talk to your family or friends...or check online ahead of time. We were in Maryland, trying to find our way to the interstate and had to spend about 20 minutes just locating a wifi zone.
Once we did, we were able to find/connect to our route toward home...but we lost twenty minutes just trying to find that one bar to connect to. If you’re visiting/staying in the mountains or what not, get the information you need to get out of them BEFORE you go to sleep for the night. That way you can head out and avoid the twenty minute delay, like we had...
You will never receive/read all of the details you need for a smooth RV trip. Actually, doing things on the spur of the moment, is what makes these trips so memorable. Avoiding inconveniences though, WILL help make your trip more fun...so take the time to consider our recommendations. And if you end up coming up with more on your own, let us know. We’re always wanting to share new ideas with our readers.
Until next time, safe & happy trails!
Scott & Natalie