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RV Tip #5 - Winterizing...BOO!

Winterizing means that we’re done traveling for a few months...hence, the BOO! I’m not a fan of parking the Swinger (winter or not), but there are a few things that should be done to your RV to prepare it for the colder temps, IF you are like us and staying ‘home.’ I am QUITE certain that there are more in depth sites to learn the formal to-do’s...but here are some of ours…

#1 Drain the veins, HA! Seriously though, make sure to get rid of all water throughout your RV. Open the lines & be certain that they are empty before the temps drop below 32 degrees. We have yet to have a burst line in the Swinger & regardless that Scott does not want to get out to work on the RV after a full day of electrical work, I JUST suggested that he check them, since we were at 32 last night and are going to be at 22 tonight. They were dry...but he agreed (with beer-in-hand after it was over) that it was worth his time.

#2 Fridge/Freezer doors need to be propped open. This should be a no-brainer...and should be something done each and every time you come home, because otherwise you get mold...been there and done that! Working in the RV or emptying it after a trip and someone accidentally shuts the doors?? Yuck! A pool noodle cut to size and then sliced can be placed right over the top of the fridge and freezer doors and voila! It won’t happen again…

#3 Beer & Soda. Do NOT leave these babies unattended...and really...WHO has leftover beer just lying around??? Regardless, check your coolers and any other cupboards/storage areas where you might have stored you carbonated drinks. These can create a nasty mess if frozen, cracked and then thawed again…so drink, don't waste!

#4 Plug in a dehumidifier. We use a small one. It's nothing fancy and really inexpensive, and you'll be surprised at how great it works to prevent mold and mildew buildup. And that musty smell? Gone! Just get out there once in a while to empty it and you'll be good to go.

#5 Close &/or cover all vents & openings. You’ll keep small critters out by doing this and be certain that all outside elements stay outside. It's a no-brainer!

#6 It’s maintenance time! Scott & I use this time to do minor repairs to the Swinger. We’re plugged in all the time when we’re parked in Bloomington, so we turn up the heat and get stuff done inside. I’ve painted the uprights in the front cab and will be painting the dash next. It’s actually quite easy with spray paint and I am SUPER pleased with the results so far. I’ll post pictures in our next RV Tips (the pic here is not mine, but gives you an idea of what I've been doing).

#6 Lastly, if you’re not underroof, purchase a cover. They are surprisingly not that expensive and protect your home on wheels from the elements. Your roof will thank you for years to come.

Until next time...stay warm and share with us your winter projects & those dreams of your next road trip!

Scott & Natalie

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